Why Give?
The Cleveland International Hall of Fame is entirely dependent donations in order for its continued existence. We believe our goal is unique and uniquely Cleveland, one of the most diverse cities in America. Diversity needs to be celebrated and embraced. So much can be learned from cultures other than our own and by recognizing these cultural differences we can begin to foster an atmosphere of understanding. Cleveland is a city built on immigrants and to deny that heritage is to deny the very nature of the city itself. By recognizing the exceptional members of the immigrant communities that constitute Cleveland we, in effect, recognize the exceptional nature of the city itself.
Diversity isn’t tri-chromatic; there are many facets to every single one of us, informed by our culture, that can’t be reduced to a simple color. The International Hall of Fame is a direct offshoot of this idea. We want to spread this idea throughout the Cleveland community at large, and we believe that a physical location for the Hall of Fame will make great strides towards this goal. Your donations help us inch closer and closer towards that goal.
Physical Donations
Physical donations to the Hall of Fame are much very appreciated. If you would like to donate, please consider donating items that highlight your culture’s unique flavor. Items with a history tied into your culture are also highly valued.
Please drop off any donations to 868 Montford Road, Cleveland Heights, Ohio 44121. If your donation is chosen, we will feature it in our future International Hall of Fame site. Please make arrangements via our email address, info@clevelandinternationalhalloffame.com, before dropping off any item.
Give Via Paypal
Mail-In Donations
While Paypal donations are preferred, if you are in any way unable to donate to our Paypal account, you can send any donations to 868 Montford Road, Cleveland Heights, Ohio 44121. Please make any checks payable to the Cleveland International Hall of Fame (or CIHOF).
Become A Friend of The International Hall of Fame
For twenty-five dollars a year, you can become a Friend of the International Hall of Fame. With your annual donation you will be supporting the efforts of the Hall of Fame to recognize significant achievement within the diverse communities of Cleveland. In addition, you will be recognized on our website as a Friend.